The gory details: read on.
There has been some polarizing in the photography community in our apartment. By which I mean, Kacey takes all the photos, and I don't take any. She is committed to taking at least one photo every day this year and posting the results on flickr. See, I was trying to be punny when I titled the post 'further developments.'
New Year's was uneventful, which was kind of relaxing after scrambling to acquire items from craigslist after Christmas. Our energy level/available time/interest in posted items had hindered even modest furnishing of our apartment since we got here, and we were determined not to pass up this opportunity while I was away from work. We got a couch, a file cabinet, and a small dresser. This may not seem like much, but it was kind of our crowning achievement of the break: there is now somewhere to sit in the living room other than camp chairs, and we finally emptied most of our boxes from the move. This really only leaves two boxes of art supplies, which I'm not sure we really have room for anyways, or much reason to have readily available as we do most of our stuff-making on the computer lately. We also picked up a new rug. The acquisitions, in addition to actually cleaning up the place, meant that when Kitzzy and Jason arrived on Friday night, and Kat and Ray came over to join us all for dinner, we actually felt like human beings capable of having friends over, instead of bewildered creatures clinging together trying to stave off the cold. We didn't happen to get any pictures of any Kat and Ray's chocolate-smeared toddler or Kacey's experimental peach pork that night, but we took some pictures with Kitzzy and Jason over the subsequent days, which of course you can see on Kacey's, Kitzzy's, or Jason's flickr.
Kacey and I decided a month or so back that we would wait for Kitzzy and Jason's trip to do some of the more touristy things here. So in three days, we walked on the Golden Gate Bridge, drove on Lombard Street, took a ferry to Alcatraz, and saw the sea lions at Fisherman's Wharf. And I had a sourdough bread bowl full of clam chowder, which is probably more significant than everything else that happened. Because it was delicious. Kacey went to the Academy of Science with them, which apparently was a good time. But I doubt it can stack up against the chowder.

Why is it that whenever I read your blog I end up with the Full House theme stuck in my head?
"What ever happened to predictability? The milkman, the paperboy, or even TV?."
Oh and the blackbox word for this post is "remop". That's when you already mopped once and mop again.
"something somethin familiar friends, waiting around the bend?"
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