Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pointers Pizza: A long time coming

When I was in college I had this phase where entering all kinds of contests ruled my small little world (unintentional height reference). I tried to eat the most ice cream I could in 10 seconds to break a world record. I ran through walls, jumped across spinning logs, and wore a Velcro suit while swinging across a pool of water on a zip line to stick to a surface on the other side, all to hopefully make it on tv and earn some money. In between it all I saw a program on the travel channel for the top ten places to pig out. Pointer's Pizza stuck out as one I delusionally thought I could do with the right partner.

Years passed and I was without a partner and had no excuse to make it out to St. Louis. Then one day I met a boy named Chris, who got a job at ILM. Yay partner and excuse. We knew immediately it was going to be one of our stops. We didn't schedule to get there til later in the evening which meant we couldn't officially compete in the challenge. You have to call ahead, and there can only be one team competing at a time.

For those unfamiliar with the challenge, you have to be a two member team, eat the entire 28 in, 10 lb pizza in an hour without leaving the challenge area. There must be two meats covering the entire surface area, or four vegetables if you prefer.

We knew we had a 3 hr drive after our meal, so of course we ordered the Pointersaurus. We chose four different toppings but split them up into quarters. I liked the sausage and pepperoni and I think Chris liked the green peppers best. Neither of us found the onion section interesting so most of that quarter remained intact. We didn't put our best feet forward but Chris still gave a strong performance, having eaten an amt equivalent to a normal large pizza. I think I only ate 8 squares/corner pieces. With the right partner I think Chris could win the money. Until I get that iron stomach transplant I'm waiting for, I am just not the right person for the job.

We met defeat around nine and left with two medium sized boxes of remaining pizza and one giant Pointersaurus box lid (a memorable keepsake that will soon become our first apt wall hanging). We decided not to hold onto the leftovers for the remainder of the drive and Chris went across the street to an ice cream stand to give it away. It went something like this;

Chris: "Do you want this pizza?"
Some kid: "Yep."

The rest was history. Goodbye St. Louis, thank you for your arch and your pizza.

Pointers Pizza Photos:


Taylor said...

This sounds like my kind of event! I wish I'd been there to compete. I would have done you both proud.

Kacey said...

You and Chris could have taken that 500 for sure. I would require a finders fee because I doubt either of you ever watch the travel channel.