Saturday, December 20, 2008

Afternoon Conundrum

No real news today, I just felt like writing something so I could rub it in Kacey's face that she hasn't written a post in a while. She is currently sleeping. I normally would be too, but a colleague pointed out that today is supposed to be the only sunshine we'll have for a week, and I didn't want to waste it. Unfortunately I made this decision only after Kacey stayed up most of the night, so she's missing out. I suppose I'm kind of missing out as well, sitting here at the computer instead of going to the park or walking along the coast. But there's something about not having a tiny weird human next to me during such activities that just makes them slightly less worth doing. Maybe I'll go bang some pots and pans together. But then she'll think I'm cooking her breakfast. Hmm...

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