Sunday, December 14, 2008

A quick review

We've been in San Francisco for something like six weeks now. It has flown by in some ways, and dragged on slowly in others. During the road trip out and the first two weeks or so here, we were keeping a list of the (debatably) interesting things that we did or encountered, and planned to write about them for all the world to scrutinize/ignore on this fine blog you're reading. But as it turned out, after we finished the posts about the trip, we sort of lost our steam and didn't really write much about our "new life in the city." Instead of continuing to entertain the notion that I will some day share whimsical musings about the things on that list, I thought I'd take a moment now to expunge them from my brain. With new perspective, most of them seem incredibly inane, and I see little point in bantering on at length about them. But part of me is wondering whether sharing this in an abbreviated list form actually makes it even more useless than going on in detail about any of these items, because any significance they may have is only accessible through elaboration. Ironic.

We have acquired a bed, bookshelf, dining table/chairs, and a desk. We are still lacking a couch. And a chimney through which Santa could deliver it, so we're kind of in a bind.

We have explored the surroundings somewhat, and we found a puddle and some weird green stuff that we didn't expect to be in a city.

Random stuff:
  • This is the fourth place I've lived in a row where the closest business is a Walgreen's. I think this is a conspiracy to keep me eating their Mediterranean fruit & nut mix.
  • Kacey seems to have discovered a taste for Indian food. Mild Indian food, anyway.
  • There are other people in this city. We have even hung out with some of them.
  • We are finding life without a microwave to be considerably more agreeable than we would have thought.
  • We have now attended two ILM parties. Kacey won a puppy at one of them.
  • I am growing increasingly accustomed to the night shift. My only remaining hurdle is sleeping while hanging upside down from the ceiling, and I've got a guy coming in tomorrow to install some support scaffolding, so I'm counting that box as half checked already.
  • We've been going to Golden Gate Park once or twice a week to do a fitness course there. But the weather's been getting colder and the days shorter, so I think we're going to switch to open water night swimming pretty soon.
There are more moving in pictures to behold if you so desire.

That wasn't even a very good list. Man.


Unknown said...

what happened to the puppy?

Kacey said...

it was stuffed...Chris failed to mention that detail. You can see a picture of it in the Lucas Christmas Party Photo album.